Saturday, August 25, 2007

Find out what makes 80% American people overweight

Does 80 % of all population means a national disease?Let us check what the word “desease” stands for.i will use famous net encyclopedia,it says :”
A disease is an abnormal condition of an organism that impairs bodily functions. In human beings, "disease" is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes discomfort, dysfunction, distress, social problems, and/or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person.”I rest my case.

No,I do not –still have something to say.I will not play a doctor or a scientist for that matter.What I want to know is not even a cause for this.I want to know the tools this people used to make themselves the way they are today.It is very hard for me to believe they really enjoy all this process.Stuffing temselves with more and more.And some is becoming a sort of an art.And numers are saying-americans are masters at this art nouvelle.

Is it my imagination or the largest cup of soft drink is soon to be replaced by “NEW,BETTER,BIGGER” cup?Just how big can a bag of chips become?Is it really necessary?Are we all in one “Mine s bigger “race?Size does matter afterall.The bigger the better.Nevermind if it cannot function properly.

Can someone explain to me why is the taste of healthy food so disgusting so such a large number of people?Or why is junk food so addictive?Or why is it more fun to go to the fast food restaurant and buy just whatever(big size of course) when one can use good will,a little bit of effort and sip of imagination and make a pretty tasty meal out of fresh ingredients.Really,it is not THAT hard.And please don t give me that “But I don t know how!”-nobody s born with cooking skills.Or the ever popular “I have no time”-but you do when it comes to junk food places!Well,still there is “But fast food is cheaper”-I cannot argue about that one. Honestly.

What I dislike is to be misunderstood.I am not saying that all Americans should be Nicole Kidman s or Adrien Brody s lookalike.By the way-Brody s not THAT skinny anymore but was my first choice for this article and I won t change my mind even though with a little bit of digging I could find somebody more appropriate.Back to the subject,both of them are goodlooking but that is Hoolywood measurements,I am talking about real people,real life.The ones fiting in normal sizes,not XXXXXXL(is there a such thing or I have exaggerated again),the ones being able to bend when putting the shoes on,ones being able to cross 50 staris without a heart attack.

All in all,I may have hyperbolized,maybe not.Papers,news,blogs,radio shows,tv shows,special magazines-all crowded with articles concerning this “new age desease” with studies of “how it happned”,”why it happned”.”how to stop it”,”how to prevent it”,”how to fight it”.Offering surgery,pills,various of activities,diets and so much more.It does look tiring and hopeless but the choice is really just yours.Mine was to do a homework.So I did,seems like I really had nothing better to do.

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